Swiss Society for Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine--瑞士生物材料与再生医学学会



  The SSB+RM Charter and Bylaws define the aims of the SSB+RM.

  The Executive Committee of the SSB+RM proposes actions to fulfill these aims, in particular focusing on the relationship between Clinics, Research and Industry.



  More specifically, the SSB+RM:

  organizes a 1.5-2 days scientific meeting once a year, where the general assembly is also held. A dinner takes place at the end of the first day to promote the communication between participants.

  provides a networking platform for biomaterials producers, researchers and users

  sponsors Student Mobility Grants for students of the Society.

  gives a yearly award for the best PhD thesis on Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine.

  maintains a website to promote the transfer of information in the national biomaterials community (e.g. list of new jobsand congresses in biomaterials)

  has eCM as its official journal. Annual meeting abstracts are published in ecmconferences.